{% extends 'includes/layout.njk' %} {% from "includes/paginator.njk" import Paginiation with context %} {% from "includes/postlist.njk" import PostList with context %} {% import "includes/cards.njk" as cards with context %} {% macro TagPanel(tags) %}
Tags {% for tag in tags %}
{{ tag.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %} {% block body %}
{% if page.current == 1 %} {{ cards.Me(config.author, config.email, config.description) }} {% endif %} {% if page.posts.length > 0 %} {{ PostList(page.posts.toArray()) }} {% else %} No Posts Here... {% endif %}
{{ Paginiation() }}
{{ TagPanel(site.tags.data) }}
{% endblock %} {% block add_head %} {% endblock %}